Safety And Security At Michigan Online Sportsbooks And Casinos

Gambling comes with risk. You can lose your money. But, you should never be cheated out of it. Losing a bet is one thing, but being ripped off is another.

That’s where online gambling security comes in. What are online casinos and sportsbooks doing to keep you safe?

Use Licensed Gambling Sites and Apps Only

The first way to protect yourself is to gamble only with sportsbooks and casinos that are licensed in Michigan. 

The licensed online casinos and sportsbooks in Michigan are:

Secure Connection

All online gambling sites that are licensed in Michigan use a secure connection (Secure Socket Layer or SSL connection). You’ll know this because your web browser will have a lock to the left of the website URL (or site address). An SSL encrypts all sensitive information sent between you and the online gambling site. Your credit card information, address, unique identification data, and even the amount of your bets, are all encrypted.

Mobile Application Encryption

Similar to websites, mobile apps utilize encryption technologies to hide your information from prying eyes. Please be certain to only download gambling apps from the official websites of the casino or sportsbook. Avoid third-party websites to be safe.

Customer Support

Every licensed online gambling site in Michigan must have a customer support department to assist customers in real-time. Be sure to utilize customer support in order to resolve any issues that may arise with your betting. They are there to help you.

Be Proactive And Safe Online

The Michigan Gaming Control Board works hard to keep gamblers safe online. But you can do your part too. Follow these important safety steps when gambling online in Michigan:

  • Install anti-virus and anti-malware software on your computers and mobile devices.
  • Update your anti-virus and anti-malware software. Won’t do you any good if you let it lapse.
  • Utilize strong anti-hacker passwords that have a combination of upper and lowercase letters, special characters, and numbers.
  • We strongly urge you to use a different password for each online gambling site you register with.
  • Refrain from sharing your passwords with anyone.
  • Change passwords frequently.

Gambling online is a convenient way to partake in one of the most popular pastimes for people: wagering on games and sports. With safeguards in place, it’s secure to do so in Michigan.

About the Author

Dan Holmes

Dan Holmes has written three books about sports. He previously worked for the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Major League Baseball. He enjoys writing, running, and lemon bars. He lives near Lake Michigan with his daughters and usually has an orange cream soda nearby.